(416) 859-2662


Dave Gittings

Keeping in Touch

Dave strongly believes that in order to understand the needs of our community, it is imperative to continually connect with individuals and groups, both small and large. Dave engages with residents of all ages through his volunteer work, at community events, during public information meetings, in schools, during a walk along a trail, or over a cup of coffee. In support of our business community, Dave regularly attends Oakville Chamber of Commerce events. 

Since first elected to office in 2010, Dave has kept residents informed about issues of importance and interest to them. He has continued to do so during this past term of office.  

  • Seventy-five e-newsletters, during this term alone, have been sent to thousands of Ward 3 households on a regular basis covering details on municipal services, programmes, matters of importance to our community, important decisions coming to Council, as well as community events. These updates have provided residents with an easy and convenient way to ask a question, express a concern, or request information on any topic, and of greater importance, all at the click of a mouse!
  • Printed newsletters have also been delivered regularly to each household in Ward 3 to ensure that all households are kept up-to-date. Monthly articles are published in the popular Neighbours of Olde Oakville magazine and regular articles in the Kloet/Apel Clearview, allowing for complete coverage of Ward 3.
  • Frequent meetings with individuals, community groups, and residents associations 
  • Monthly ‘Let’s Talk’ drop-in sessions at the Oakville Trafalgar Community Centre